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The AZ Sports Guru

The AZ Sports Guru blog has been around since 2012, and judging by his archive he has published a ton of articles—ALL of which related to Arizona sports. He has posted over 100 articles the last two years in a row—I can respect the amount of work it takes to be that consistent in creating new, and original content. I love keeping up with people who love what they do, and this guy has found a way to make his entire life about Arizona sports.

According to his bio on his site, he has coached in youth leagues for several years, including some high school sports. My favorite thing is that it's not just in one sport. There are many core values that carry over from sport to sport and that clearly has worked for him as a coach in soccer, softball, t-ball, basketball, and football.

Although he is a fan of all sports, his heart is on the football field. If you're an Arizona sports fan, I encourage you to check out his blog here. You can also keep up to date with his latest content via Facebook and Twitter.


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I'm a graphic designer who is a firm believer in the power of sports. This website is a product of those two things. I also record entertaining videos and post them on social media, so hit the links below to see what I'm up to.

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